Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Texting while driving

While driving have you ever noticed someone drive over the yellow lines and keep swerving back and forth? They are most likely texting, which leads to car accidents, dead people, and many hopeless people. Text messaging is the new form of communication instead of talking on the phone. A majority of car and truck drivers consider texting while driving dangerous and extremely fatal. Most of the accidents that take place because of texting and driving involve teenagers and those in their twenties. If you in any ways want to send or are expecting an important text message while being behind the wheel, it is recommended to take the car to the road side.


  1. I agree that if you need to send an important text message or view one that you pull over, where you are not controlling the vehicle, it is the safe thing to do. Most accidents involve texting and driving, mostly teenagers. Even though texting and driving is now illegal, people still do it, and death is increasing.

  2. Texting has been come such a popular form of communication, especially with young teens, who are now starting to drive. Texting while driving is a huge distraction, and cause many accidents.

  3. How does the Texting while driving accident rate compare with teh DWI accident rate?

  4. It honestly bothers me when I see people texting and driving, especially while i'm in the car. Its rude first off, and its dangerous. I always have to tell people to stop texting, because its dangerous.

  5. I think instead of going to the side of the rode you also text at a red light.

  6. i'm not going to lie i used to do it a lot. even just reading it i thought it was okay. it only takes two seconds for your eyes to come off the road and you to end up in the hospital. now i never do it after everything i hear about accidents and careless mistakes. i only do it now at redlights or when i get to my destination.

  7. I agree with you. Your life is more important than a silly text message. You could seriously die, and no one wants that.

  8. Ya. it makes me real mad when i see someone texting on the road. I think it stupid and no one should do it

  9. Texting while driving has been increasing throughout the years. Many teens that are beginning to drive feel the need that responding to a text message has to be right when you receive it when they don't realize they are putting someone's life at risk.

  10. Texting while driving is the same thing as being drunk and driving your not even looking at the road you dont know whats around the next corner and you can indangeer lifes of your friend ,family and even you can be injured.

  11. It is dangerous to text and drive. They concentrate on texting instead of driving.

  12. Is your text more important than your life or the life of another person?

  13. You could get seriously injured or get killed if you text while driving.

  14. you got to be kidding me you have to text while you drive, you cant wait until you get to your destination

  15. Well, ya know, now that there's a law that you can't text and drive, there are more accidents because people are trying to hide it.
